Sunday, November 11, 2007

我不配(I’m Not Worthy) by Jay Chou

its a beautiful song...and sad too...hope u all enjoy this song..peace..

here the lyrics of the song:

周杰倫- 我不配
Jay Chou- wo bu pei (I'm not worthy)

歌词詞:方文山 (Vincent Fang)
曲:周杰倫 (Jay Chou)

Zhe Jie shang tai yong ji

Tai duo ren you mi mi

bo li shang de wu qi zai bei yin chang qi guo qu

Ni lian shang de qing xu

Zai huan yuan na chang yu

Zhe xiang nong tai guo wan qu zou bu hui gu shi li

Zhe ri zi bu zai lu

You ban bo le ji ju

Sheng xia ban kong hui yi de wo zai da fang zi li

Dian ying yuan de zuo yi

Ge yao yuan de ju li

Gan qing mei you dui shou shi ni gen zi ji xia qi

hai lai bu ji zi zi xi xi xie xia ni de guan yu

Miao shu wo ru he ai ni

Ni que wei xiao de li wo er qu


Zhe gan jue yi jing bu dui

Wo nu li zai wan hui

Yi xie xie ying gai ti tie de de gan jue wo mei gei

Ni de zui xu de yuan wang hen bei wei

Zai tuo xie shi wo hu lue

Ni bu guo yao ren pei

a zhe gan jue yi jing bu dui

Wo zui hou cai liao jie

Yi ye ye bu ren fan yue de qing jie

Ni hao lei

Ni mo bei wei wo diao guo ci lei

Duo qiao sui

er wo xin sui ni shou zui ni de mei

Wo bu pei

Repeat all again once and chorus one more time.....

Sunday, October 28, 2007

the changes of me.....

this is a special blog for my own personal life of changes..well...i gotta admit..i had changed for many years...from the behaviour...and my figure....for u guys information...when i was standard 6...i was only 158cm..which is quite short..but when i reach form 1..i was 165cm!!tat was really shocking...but i love tat time...however...if now..i start to grow..i will have a fever...i dunno why..but my dad told me tat is at my age u think i still can grow...hopefully...and with a small fever..xD

here are some of my pictures that i have took from last time until now...

last time..during secondary school life

me in the hiding of my group

guess..i m too short at tat time...until i stretch myself for the camera...

decided to grow taller....(see the plate i m holding..)

so...later i decided to go for individual photos...but....

i was kinda shy...

don even dare to see my face....

but...things change later on....

i became more relax in front of camera...

during college life...

starting to like taking individual pictures....haha

my hair grows like my height.....quite long eh?hope i wont look like a girl..xD


i kinda miss taking group i decided to take photo with the scenery..(i was at myplace apartment)

as time goes....

i became more confident.....

dare to even spike my hair....even this hairstyle usually does not suit me...but i look fine right?

but now.....

still shy..but decided not to cover up my face....

and last but not least...

thats me being wacky...haha....thats the real me now..dare to do the things i have tried b4..and i did it!xD

i m sure other than me....lots of people would change in their own way...but for me...this is EEJAY's what do u guys prefer.last time and now?well...there is goods and bads of changing..but for me...its more good than bad...ahaha...hope u all like those pictures of me...(its rare that i put those pictures in my u all should thank me for sharing...XD)


Saturday, October 20, 2007

My worst Fall....EVER!!!!

since i bought a new shoe...i thought that i have nothing to worry about turns out the inverse way...

okay...these days..i m sure u all will face the same thing..RAINING these days..especially the evening..the rain will begin....

at the same time...i will be having class at 3pm..but i have to be in SUBANG SQUARE by 2.30pm..coz i m following ppl s car...go to TCPJ...

and so around 2.20pm..b4i go to SUBANG SQARE i went to buy two milktea from H20 is peppermint(green colour) and jasmine(frenz)...and so..once i bought them..i was on my way to Subang Square..and the rain started....thank godness i bought my umbrella...

and so...the rain was was not really heavy....but normal le...HOWEVER..the wind was so Strong!!!and i can see my umbrellla was bending like it was goin to break!!!and then..i was facing the strong wind!!and i m sure most ppl who saw me the way i carry the as i m fighting hard against the wind....(and my mind began to imagine this song...remixed version...somebody pls be my

and so..once i reach the entrance of the SUBANG SQUARE..i was the "war of the wind" was over....and i carefully walk up the stairs...and i saw quite a number waiting at the entrance as tat time it was starting to rain i was thinking.."whew..glad thats over...finally i can drink my peppermint milktea..coz i m thirsty!"

but its not finished yet..the war is not yet over!!!when i was folding back my umbrellla...i was stopped by the wind..when it blew my umbrella..which it turn inversely..standing up!!!and i knew it will be a bad wind was so strong!!that it blew a 50kg guy(tats me!!!and its not even included the milk tea...coz i haven drink it yet!)..and so..the wind blew me...facing my back....and i slipped!!!and boom!!!i fell!!!!!

and oh boy...there were people there...but somehow..whenever people front of others..they tend to be embarrassed...but for me..i m not!!coz of the weather!!tats y...

and ouch...i fell on my butt..and together..the drinks also fell....and it HURTS!!!!and went i fell..i thought tat i was green colour instead of red..coz maybe tats the sign tat i m angry due to the fall...but actually it comes out from the PEPPERMINT MILK TEA and there s a big hole below the plastic cup!!...ahhh!!!my drinki m so thirsty!!!!! right arm...was wounded...and bleeding..IN back hurts too....sobsob..

there were people asking me..whether i m fine...but i did not hear it was just silenced and try to find a RUBBISH throw the SPOIL and LEAKING PEPPERMINT DRINK...while i hold my right arm....and threw it away..(and i can imagine...the way i throw the drink is as though..i m throwing a death body judging by the way i walk...)

and to add more salt to my fren's drink is still alrite!!!dam lucky could she be....arghhh!!!and

and so..when i reach to the location to meet up with my frenz saw me...and i told them wat happen..and they all laugh!!!wa lao...and i give the drink to my fren...and oh lucky she is!!!!hmmmm

and so...i was hurt..and at the same time..thirsty....when i was goin to sad!!!but i ended up wasted the first half an hour for class...just to buy milk tea!!!er..NOT PEPPERMINT..i change to strawberry...and it was not as nice as H20...but more expensive...and i finished it b4 i reach class....even more sad!!i wan to drink longer..

hmmm..well..the moral of this story is...don give high expectation on your new shoes!!even with its name...!!cant believe i bought New Balance..and i expect to be more balance..but i still fell!!!haha...well..wat can i say...i fell!!!ouch!!!now my back still hurts..can any1 massage my bag pls?


(the font colours...inspire by the PEPPERMINT MILK TEA COLOUR)

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

My new shoes' rough first day

before i began my story, i will tell the history from the day that i met my new shoes...(sound like as though i m dating with my shoe..haha...)

last weekend...i bought a new pair of my NIKE shoe..the base...has come off...and all i need is a new and fresh pair...and its NOT NIKE again....or even ADIDAS....but..NEW BALANCE.....its grey in colour with mixture of black and white....and i just love it!!and how much i paid?rm119!!! was rm279....but when i saw the price was RM79..and then...i did not see the number 2 at the left!!!and i was in shocked....and i knew tat i have lost hope in buying this shoe...but then faith plays a major role at tat time when the sales man told me tat the shoe cost only rm119!!and i bought it...yay!!!

here's my new shoe..special made from New Balance...check it out...
what do u think?looks cool? my shoes' rough first day....once i wore the feels like i m a new person...and it makes me feel taller...haha...but the day is just the beginning..

i wore this shoe to my lectures...and on the way..i have to undergo many challenges..such as...

1. Dog's shit(the size of them were very tiny...and i nearly fall for the trap..i m sure the shoe would have a studs-attack(shoe term for heart attack)if i did step them...euuu...
2. chewing can ppl..just leave their disgusting and already chewed gum on the road!!!i managed to spot the gum....thank godness...
3. Maintaining the shoe to be as new as possible- i was too obsess with my shoe..until i stared at them most of the time..when i was walking..and i was dissapointed when there was a small sratch in front of the shoe...sob sob!!(tats y i only use the new shoe for half day...and i changed to my old NIKE shoe...haha)

hmmm...overall i think that this new shoe is pretty first..not used to it...but i did not fall down...coz the brand of my shoe is NEW is meant to make me feel good..and comfortable...and of course...i was hoping tat this shoe will still look new for a long period of i don wan this shoe to have the same faith as my NIKE shoe...


Sunday, September 30, 2007

My Weekend....Part 1

SATURDAY,29 September

its the day when i finally get my butt out from subang jaya....i cant always sit back at my room....rotting like GARdinia Bread being left under the sun for 3 months...and i don wan to grow 'Kulats'...coz Kulats is refered to breads....but for me 'Kulat' means.....u all know wat i mean...

and parents...and my BROTHER!!!WOHOO!!picked me up from subang go to melaka to attend my cousin's wedding dinner...and so we would be staying in a hotel..where there is a tennis court..and so..i excitedly ask my mother..'can i play tennis with my brother..plsplsplspls'...however that begging was not affective when my mother said...'its too rushing...i don think its possible...'(awhhhh)

-Before WEdding Dinner-

both of us are looking forward for the wedding dinner...

and so...i went to melaka without any tennis mood...and soon.we reached the hotel t..we passed by two tennis courts..and how i react?i look at the tennis courts...with my face touching the mirror..with a sad face....but then my mood started to change..when i saw two girls near the courts.....they r just of them was wearing pink..and another was wearing pink...and the tennis courts..the colours were the same too!!!.pink and green!!!so i was thinking...instead of playing real tennis ..why don i try different tennis?(as in get to know the girls..and hang out)...but unfortunately..i was with my parents...and i cant afford to do such thing...

ok..back to my 7pm we went for my SECOND WEDDING the same State..melaka...and both also are involving my COUSINS!!!now tats awesome!!when would i get married?er....forget about it....let us just move on to the wedding dinner.. compared to my first....this second wedding dinner is totally dif....we were greeted by LION DANCES!!!and while we were walking to the restaurant...the LION DANCES bowed to us...and i feel so touched...and in my mind..i have this Principe...'if people respect me..i respect them back regardlesss of wat living thing..or non living thing.'..and so..guess wat i did?i bowed to them as well...lets just hope they did not think tat i m from japan...

and so...our location is just in front of the stage..nice.. and the food...WAS OUTSTANDING!!!ok..the second dish was actually SHARK FIN SOUP!!!yummy!!!and the rest of the, chicken, vegetable, prawns..was just amazing....but however they were not enough for i don really feel full yet...(big eater ma)

the performance(mostly singings..)can be describe in one word..SHOCKING... first two singers...first..the lady...she sang with sweet voice...and normal volume..and then..the second one...its a male....when he started to sing....Everybody had the shock of their life!!his voice was so loud!!!and the way he sing is like..too loud and not nice to hear...omg..tats y there is one time... i tried the SHARK FIN soup and i asked my cousin..while listening to tat man singing...'is it me or is this soup taste different?'...and she just laugh....i guess must be the singing that changes the taste of the soup a little..haha

and then...later...i went into the toilet...with my brother as our tank is full...and while i was doin my 'business'...i was caught in the ACT!!!by my own brother!!!with his camera phone!!and i tried to delete that picture from his phone..but failed!!!and its still in his phone....and here is the picture....

-The Toilet Scene-

don laugh!!don even think of it...

and this picture...was instantly a hit..once my brother show the picture to all my cousins..who are mostly girls!! spreads like internet...i tried to stop it..but i cant...tats y the picture is there.right here right now..spread like a virus....oh..wat humilation i had....hmmm and so...earlier the performance..all the songs were the sad and slow my case was a sad thing..i was expecting a sad song to be played... but it ended up....guess wat?A HINDI song!!!!and some more its happy song!!!!wa lao!!!!its like celebrating my brother's genius work and teasing me....and everybody was cheering for the song!!and the atmostphere changed...WHY..i mean

(singing simple plan's song..its called untitled..if u dunno wat song is tat..make sure u check the song out..if not..u don understand wat i m singing)

*how could this happen to me(happy song played in the dinner..when i m in a sad mood)

i made my mistakes(go toilet with my brother)

got no where to run(got photographed in the toilet and the pictured shown to my cousins..girls somemore!)

The night goes on(the wedding dinner..with the Hindi song playing all the way)

As I'm fading away( hiding from being humilation)

I'm sick of this life( being a laughing stock..)

I just wanna scream (ahhh!!whywhywhy!)

How could this happen to me( being taken photo in the toilet brings sadness...while happy song played after that incident...)

and the wedding...the bride and groom were just amazing...and i was thinking...'so fast get married de...must be very good le the feeling'..after the wedding dinner i realised that there are many wedding dinner in this month!!!and it was just crazy...(wonder y ppl wanna get married at the month of september...)

and right now...i have nothing to say but the dinner could have been greater if this humilation did not sad.....BUT i did had a great time eating all the food....
-After wedding Dinner- brother is happy alrite...but not me...

anyway....all those things that happen to me..i take it as a wasnt really a bad thing..i long u all did not see my thing...then its alrite le....but i find the picture funny le...its like at tat time..i did not expect my brother to take picture of me...but still i look quite alrite....rite??can see that my brother is a good photographer..haha..i cant believe i m saying this..thanks bro!


Tuesday, September 25, 2007

a weird day...

it started off..when i was walking from the library at the ADP building..(which is a 12 and above storey building...).and definitely..i would be using the lift to go down..

and the lift...usually when i was goin down..i would be the only one...who is the lonely guy in the body would be inside...but things changed tat day....

when i entered that lift..i saw a girl coming in the lift....and i was thinking..'this would be my lucky day...ahaha...NO MORE LONELYNESS!(wat i mean is tat..its not tat i wan to talk to a girl its just..i don like being alone in the lift..its so boring...can imagine..its like...u r in a band..and u r the only one singing..where there is no members to play the music for u..tats the feeling in m talking about...not otherwise ok????haha)..however...a guy was behind her..which destroy my hope...and they r bf/ i was like.....have nothing to say lo..

and then....later..another guy and girl came in....and they r also couples....and i was thinking...'is this another special day for Valentines day? or m i m dreaming...definitely i m not dreaming...i was in the real world...and finally....there is another couple....but then...its not bf/gf..its two guys!!!and they were flirting with each other!!!and at first..when i saw them...i was thinking maybe they are friends...but then.i can see they both were flirting with each other...ayaiyai!!!

and more ppl come in the lift...and so...we went down..u can imagine...first and second couple...were touching their partners' hand...and just sayang them...and the third couple...were touching too!!!omg...and i was the only single person in the lift!!! u all know how i feel at the lift...where every1 were cuddling with each other...and me??leaning at the wall....its like they are trying to tempt me to find love....(only the first two couples le..not the i don really like to see gays...ahaha)

and so...once we reach the G floor..we went out and the couples went off happily...and i as a single person....feel....that tat day was the weirdest day so the spread the love to each other...even guy and guy also did the same!

hmmm...well..its kinda weird to see such thing in the lift...and i felt that its better to be alone in the lift..than with other people...who are couples..but if with frenz...i guess its alrite...just tat...most of the time...i seldom use tat lift with my fren....

believe it or not...i still have to face the fact is in the AIR for KL people...everywhere u see in subang jaya....u can see couples holding hands...but don be surprise if u can see two guys holding hands and seing their happy faces....

Monday, September 24, 2007


hmmm...its Monday already and my course has officially just commenced...geh...tat feeling sounds like as though a competition has just begun and i would be excited over it...NOT quite actually...

the day b4 the reopen of my classes after one week of holiday..i did not sleep well...i was rolling almost 20 times...and i don feel tired...and i could not rest well...

and so...ended up i slept at 5am...and this morning..i attend my first lecture....and it was just alrite...just i m a bit sleepy now...but when i write this blog..somehow i don quite feel the sleepiniess that i felt during the lecture..because its more interesting to share my own experience rather than listening to lectures....(don sleep when u read this blog ah!!ahaha)

hmmm..after this i will have class at 1-3pm...and then..BLOCK LECTURE!!from 3-7pm!!!demdemdemdem....a long day it shall be for the mighty and sleepy Ee Jay here....wish me luck in staying awake for the whole day...

if i type anything in the post like a zombie...pls wake me up....and tell me to be my old self again..ahaha...

to be continue.

Friday, September 14, 2007 break has come..

MERDEKA!!! it over already MALAYSIA's 50th independence day??no no..don get me wrong...the MERDEKA that i mentioned earlier refers to my own order words....i m free from any assignments and exam....(for the time being la..XP)

for the past two days..i did not sleep in order to complete my assignment for Advertising...and today early morning i managed to finish my assignment..which actually considered as my toughest assignment so far....and i have to submit in two ways...

1)assignIT- submiting my assignment through online to Adelaide..kinda scary as most students fear of being suspected to plagarise

2)go to TCPJ- submiting my hard copy to the lecturer himself...and thanks to my fren, yee mun's mum...i could submit my assignment easily without having any transportation THANKS AUNTIE!!!

and now...i guess....most of u think tat i m quite free...well...actually..for the mean time...its true...if can i type this blog to u all?but still i actually a work tat needed to be submitted to the lecturer via email which is actually due this coming work TATS BUSINESS!!!but its good something to do....if i chose holiday and actually depends on the period of time my university give....

1)holiday- if it is SHORT..i know u all might think its weird to have a short holiday rather than a long holiday....but long holidays....u tend to do nothing and get bored easily..tats wat i don like..

2)work- if it is LONG...working as in doin my homework and revision le..not part work...haha...i m still scared to work part i scared to do mistakes that does not impress the doin hw..i get myself preoccupied..and tat feels good..compared to doin nth..

oh well...i feeling quite tired now....i will just end my so called EJ's Merdeka up and sing my honour for my independence...haha....kidding le...even if there is such thing..most of the people would migrate to other countries..which actually kinda embrassing..XD...


Wednesday, September 12, 2007

advertising assignment...DOOM wednesday...and yet..i still have not started my advertising assignment which is due tommorrow on thursday...hmmmm...wat stress...

this assignment is considered as the most toughest assignment so far..and it really sucks...i was given 6 questions and i have to pick one of first i chose gender..which my fren also did the same...but after checking the examples and reading...i could not do it...coz its lack of information...and its hard for me to do assignment with the lack of information...besides...the gender readings...i could not really understand wat r they trying to say...

and last i played to do was a little easier than gender..and i m glad to chose this topic..

it is not the assignment to blamed that consumed much of my time..but its my own self...yesterday i thought of staying up late for the whole day...but then..i was knocked out...and eventualy slept..and now i wasted one day of my time...doing nothing when i m supposed to do my assignment..

hmmm....the stress is building..and i dunno how long it will last....just hope tat i could do it properly and time is tinking....

Saturday, September 8, 2007

the worst two weeks to come..

hello every1..for u guys information...despite me typing here very comfortably...but in real life..i m suffering from coughs...and its the worst i ever had

last few days...i could not sleep properly as my cough kept disturbing me....and ended up i managed to sleep..but in a later time.....and because of tat....i m lack of sleep..and i ended up missing one of my lecture at i struggle to wake up... ask my fren to wake me up by calling me..if i don wake up..and still i struggle bit..but then..its better than the last few days..thanks to my fren..

and last few days..and today...i cant stop coughing..until i vomitted...omg..wat terrible feeling...

i planned to buy medicine earlier..but then..i cost le...i might as well take the medicine give by my was effective....just for one day...and the next came again....hmmm...

and to add more salt...i have a test and assignment due next week.....and i m still coughing like machine gun!!!and my birthday is coming..but its one day b4 my Monday test...haiz....

well...all i can say is tat..despite coughing this badly...tat will not stop me from i wanted to let u all about my life....and...i just wish tat i could face this tough two weeks without disappointing myself...wish me luck!!


-sick/cough man-

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

my journey on the way back to subang

usually...whenever i go for long journey from one state to another...i would definitely take the Bus....and..i m sure most of u....might think..'is it safe to ride on a bus all alone without ur parents?'in my case...i have no i went many times...

but to be honest with u...last year...when i started my college life..i did not sit on a bus before!!!!coz..usually during my school mum always fetch one..(tat does not mean tat i m a spoilt child ok??)..i actually carpull with other in order frens parents and my parents take turn to send and fetch to school...

since i have tat used-to-go-thru-car.....being independant when it comes to transportation is like a NIGHTMARE to me!!!but time goes...i m used to tips for u folks who haven sit on the bus b4...bring ur fren along with u...get to know the places...and u will feel good as u r the king of the world...haha

ok..back to my story..from ipoh...u know..i take a bus..called PERAK ROADWAYS...and its the usual bus tat i took...well...not because i was so patriotic...till i even take my state's bus just to go back!!..its more to i hate goin to PUDU RAYA!!(bad one time i have to pay RM40 for a ticket from other go back to there r no more tickets left!!from tranational and plusliner)

and so...there i the bus....sitting in my seats like all passengers do....and another thing...SLEEP...sure ma..nth to do in the bus...takkan u sit and look in front for the whole journey!!!and i slept for a while le....coz not really tired le...

and so..i wanted to check out the passengers on how they in r they sleeping or doin nth...and then..i saw one to me....and she was holding a NOKIA 5300...and..its was my dream phone le....and it caught my attention when she was holding the phone...

and guess how long she was on the phone???THE WHOLE JOURNEY!!!omg...she was like talking and talking and talking...(her voice not really loud but still can hear a little le)..and some more..she made many calls..until she even switch her card to make calls!!!wa lao...crazy!!!making calls for 3 hours!!!siao le...she wants to damage her brain ah???actually talking on the handphone for long hours is not it will cause higher risk of brain cancer....and some more...its safer to talk on the left ear...but she talked on her right ear!!!ayoyo...maybe coz of her bf le...tats y like tat..if family...sure she wont talk tat long one...

and by the time the bus reach kelana jaya...i got down...but she did not get down...but...when look at her from outside...i still can see the phone stick to her ear!!!!wa lao...i just could not believe it...and y i react like this..its not tat i m interested in her...but..its just...nuts....talking for 3 the time goes...the money drain out from her credit...and the radiation began to develop...its true le...she really talk the whole time...lucky she did not talk loud..if she did....she would be just like 'tat guy in the DIGI advertisement when he was talking on the phone in the cinema..'haha..

oh well...tats just one of the weirdest bus journey experience i ever been...and i promised myself not to be like tat it is bad for the BILL and HEALTH....


Sunday, August 26, 2007

FINALLY!!the time has come!!

its the moment tat i have been waiting for!!!a tennis match!!!!haha....i played a tennis match on friday evening!!!!one day after the day when i came back!!! day after they came back..they will take a break at home....but for my case!!i don wan to rot at home!!i played tennis!!!

and so..tat evening..i went to RPGC(royal perak golf club)..and it was drizzling...i was praying in my heart(..pls..pls..don let the incident in TBS affect today's weather!!!)...and so..when i went see the courts....actually it was fine!!!

and so...i meet my fren...jonzen...tats his name...and here we go!!!

i was kinda rushy actually..coz i din play much in KL...tats y i was so desperate to play tennis...during my last post!!!haha...and so..we played a real TENNIS GAME>..

and so...the match was intense...and usually..for u guys information....during a real game..i tend to get nervous...and played 80% worst than just normal practice mode...and the game was....1-0.....1-1......2-1.....2-2.....3-2....3-3......

and it was the first time...i managed to hold my serve like tat...but still i did not play tat my opponent made more mistakes than me.....soon after....

4-3..jonzen leads and broke my serve...and 5-3....left my serve...5-4...managed to get a point....but in the end..when he served..he won the was my total set defeat...actually...and surprisingly..i enjoyed tat game....coz i did fight back...and so..tat spirit is still not yet dissappeared from me..

and since we still have time..we played second set...and tat set....i was leading 4-1!!!wow..and to add more excited to this match..there are people watching our match!!!including my dad!!!this is just like one of my tournaments..where ppl will watch my match..and clap whenever my opponent or me hit a great shot....tat has been a while...since i had tat feeling...i really miss the good old days where i took part in competitions...and i was nervous....and scared to hit my fav shots....

BUT NOW!!!i m a different person!!i m not afraid of anything anymore!!!!and too bad when the score is dad told me tat we needed to he need to work...and so...with a bit frutration..i have to end the game...and b4 i left...i thanked jonzen for the memorable game...and said..'this will be my farewelll match...for the time being...hope to play with u some other time man..'..and he also thanked me...

and soon...i left...and my dad...was actually praising me..coz...i did not play tennis for a long time..and i showed some great was a surprise...i just told my dad...'i guess those can be considered as luck le....even its not luck...maybe its coz of my determination...which i never felt b4 when i was younger before...'

and dad took me back home...i was really tired....and while i was drinking my water....i told my dad....'this has to be so far the best tennis match i ever played...i never feel such excitement in my life...'and my dad was happy to say tat....and said...'well..glad tat you realised that...coz tennis is not always about winning...but enjoying...'

and so...once i reached home...i was really hungry and ate a big BOWL OF RICE with mom was pretty shocked about she tot tat i could not finished it..and then i told her..'..maybe coz i had a good game until i used up all my energy..hehe'

when i came into my room...i lie on my bed..and was still thinking of tat match tat i had tat evening..and remembering the shots tat i make...and then..i was thinking...why i really enjoyed myself..despite losing first set 6-4??guess the answer is....

MADA MADA DANE(never give up)



life as a tennis player......IN TBS and TCPJ of the reason y i came back to ipoh is coz of tennis!!!and order for tat to happen...i of coz have to bring my racket....for u guys tennis bag was actually spoiled and could not be used as the handles were snapped.....and so...i have to use my LAPTOP bag to carry my books and racket back to ipoh..

before i head to ipoh..i actually have class....and i have to meet my fren at TBS so tat she would pick me and her other frenz go to TCPJ...

and there i go...through the crowd of TBS was so noisy and crowded with people...and i kinda don like tat atmostphere sometimes..(maybe coz...i m an IPOH MALI as IPOH is known for its quiet city...)...and so..once i arrive the TBS ground floor...guess wat happen?*sound of thunder*...oo..there goes the strong wind..and rain..together with the tell me tat with my presence....those weather came..until the crowded people also gone!!!haha...rise of the tennis player??haha...

and so..once i came in the TBS building for some students were actually looking at me....the way they stared at as though i m a serial killer..haha...and frenz came and ask me...'hey man!!wats tat thing up there?''r u coming here to chop people up?..and i answer with laugher....'no la..its tennis...not SAMURAI SWORD!'(i wish i had would be cool to have one!!haha)...and i added on by saying tat...'i m goin back to my hometown...and i m desperate to play tennis!!'

and so...they reacted like most teenagers do..with the...oooo....and ahhh.....which is quite normal to me...hehe...and then...they knew wats the weather at that time..and ask me again....u sure about tat?i!!

and so..the strong wind and rain...and those just might blew my chances to play tennis....(i thought they were i mentioned b4 tat the place was crowded and noisy..until i cannot tahan..and then...*sound of thunder*...just silenced them away........BUT NOT!!!)

and so...on tat day....since i have nth to do..i went to TCPJ with my frenz car....and then...we headed to our class...

during class...i actually was 50% paying attention to the teacher..and 50% on.........MY TENNIS RACKET!!haha..i was holding the grip for the whole time....looks like i m really desperate de...and while i was holding it....the students behind me...i m sure they were wondering wat i was doin...touching something at the bottom of the table!!!i hope they wont misunderstood me!!!haha...

after tat...i went on my bus to IPOH....and as usual..i was holding the grip of my tennis racket...

hmm....guess being the ONLY tennis player in TBS is kinda feel weird....but actually i feel good....FOR THE FIRST i felt tat my style of carrying my tennis dif than b4...which makes me outcast of tat place..more like..a REAL TENNIS PLAYER...


decided to come back to ipoh...

and...its surprisingly...on last thursday....during college HOUR!!!!haha..u all must be thinking y such a person would go back at this i will most of my frenz also were wondering y suddenly i go back on are the reasons:

1)i have no class on friday....and also monday....very nice eh?
2)er...coz i wanted to go back to visit my family as i haven been back to ipoh for quite a while..
3)playing tennis!!!!!(this story will be told during my next check it out o)

because i have no class on friday....i still go back despite having class on 1-3pm..and tats the time where my assignment is due....and guess wat subject is tat???(i give u all clue le..its based on one of my experience le...PIRATES OF THE LOSTBEANS:AT TCPJ's END...still rmb??if u don rmb?pls read tat blog..and u will know wat is the subject tat i mean...once u read it..)

and so...goin to tcpj....i wasnt lost like i m used to the place already...(i think)..and then..managed to hand in my assignment..whew..wat a relief...

and so..i will go back after the i said bus will come at 5.45pm....according to the lady whom i bought the ticket....

and so...i waited..and guess wat time the bus came?6.10PM!!! wonder fren were surprise tat i go back at this time..due to the jam in KL...haha..wat can i do wo?5.30 is the only lastest and available bus...even the earliers is 3pm..which is kinda rushing for me after class....

and so..i had a long journey back home..reached at around 9 something...and dad picked me up...and later...pick my mum up for dinner...wat a nice feeling to meet my parents again...and then..we had a good meal....and head home..

tat day was u describe it?er....tiring?well...yea u can say tat...after waiting for the bus..goin thru the jam...and sitting in the bus for a long time...well...guess tats wat travelling is all about...


Sunday, August 12, 2007

Pirates of the LOSTBEAN:at TCPJ's END part 2

  • EJ and gang were curious of the possibility to go so far to go TCPJ for ADVERTISING subject...thankful with a car
  • EJ being the single male among the group and was describe as a cherry in a cake...
  • EJ making funny faces when looking at the new building tat no man ever see b4....
  • EJ and the gang's amaze feeling
  • too stuck with the beauty of TCPJ..until forgot our find our class
  • the environment was creepy..sounds of ppl..laughing talking...even eating!!
  • things got worst when i asked a passer by...tat ended up....FAIL!
and now..Pirates of the LOSTBEAN:at TCPJ's END continues..with the grand

and so...there we were...standing on the floor of TCPJ...with the blur and fear we were lost....and so....tat does not last long as we still continue to search for our class...right now...LEISURE COMMERCE SQUARE.we r at tat we found it..(thanks to me...DIAO)...and now LECTURE THEATRE 2...tats our NEXT target...

(for ur info....the class starts at 3pm...but at tat time..when we was 2.30pm)

and so..we were running out of time..and we planned to follow the plan tat i did earlier...asking pass by...but only my frenz do i don wan to embarrass myself again....and so...we ask one girl..and she said..its just one floor above here...YAY!and so...we rush to the floor and then....WE FOUND LECTURE THEATURE 2!!

and that was 3pm....very sharp!!cun cun...!haha...and so...once we reached outside the door..the girls was like..very scared to come in the class as they don like the students to look at them..but as the only cherry in the group...(omg..i better stop talking about this already...) the only male in the groups...i have to do i m facing challenges...(yea rite)

and so..first step..i peek thru the door to see the class and who is the teacher.(mission possible)..and it was a chinese teacher...(for ur teacher's name is a MALAY name..and so....i was thinking...we might be at the WRONG class!!)and b4 i could even explain tat to my of my frenz was hiding behind the door and OPEN THE DOOR!!!!!*sound of the door*...and u can imagine...i was peeking just now..and the door suddenly opened!!!and the class...full of students...were staring at me!!!and of the student told the teacher tat there a stranger outside....and when he turned his back towards me...i just say..' u doing sir?'(nervously)

not only tat question le..siao meh...ask like tat....asking for trouble.....after tat..i asked sir.;

EJ: sorry to disturb u sir..but mayb i this ADVERTISING CLASS?

SIR:...oh..i m sorry..but this is COMMUNICATION class....i think u might be in the wrong class...

EJ:(whisper:i m in the right class la!!!)..oh..but i thought this is LECTURE THEATER 2..sir..

SIR...oh..this is not the only one..there is another one...

EJ:(whisper:wat the hell...there s more than one?)..oh...ic..then wer is the 'other' one?

SIR:(telling directions...).

and all of of the student showing me hand signal to go to the other lecture theater 2..while smiling....

EJ:(er...ok..i dunno wat to say..but.)thanks sir...sorry to disturb ur class...(putting two hands together while saying tat)

and frenz asked me...wer ah?i said...i was so scared.until i don rmb wat he said!!!haha...i just remember the key words le.....and told them le...but still...they all still confused.u can i feel at that time...ppl staring at me...and the student were so many!!and then yet..still cannot find the place..

now at 3.15pm!!!right now the tension is high..until i could even heard my own watch ticking...*tick tick tick*while they all waiting....i decided to find the place comes the solo man....looking for the class....and so...i rmb wat the teacher said earlier..'near the restaurants.....'...once i think too much of the words...i became hungry already.but i cannot think of food at this frenz and my life is at stake...and its up to me to avoid tat...and i need to find the class as soon as possible...

as i keep on searching...i still could not find the classes...despite searching every area which looks like a car park area....and so i went in...and front of me was a car park...and then suddenly i saw my fren outside!!!(not my gang one)..and then i ask the class around here..then she said yea....FINALLY!!found it...and it was facing the CAR park!!!WEIRD!!!!like tat also can...

and later i asked my frenz to follow the class..and b4 goin to frenz all still scared as they knew they were late...and afraid that they were stared by the students....aiyo..i told them tat there is no need to be scared long u have reasons..there is no need to be scared wan...

at 3.30pm..we went into LECTURE THEATER 2...and when i m the first to came in..i said to teacher in a quick pace...from..'i m sorry we are late for class...sir...we were lost when we search for the class...' to....'sory..we late for just now...'haha...dunno whether the teacher understand me or not...

the teacher surprisingly...looks like a penjabi...with beard....and the class...DAM SMALL!!and u call tat lecture theature 2????even taylors university college's LT2 is so much bigger than that....well....guess i have a THEORY FOR TCPJ....BIG on the outside=SMALL on the inside....and some more...Y IS THERE MORE THAN ONE LECTURE THEATER 2???its so confusing le...

wat la..thats y our first impression towards TCPJ became diff once we went inside the campus....the moral of the story is...don judge the book by its cover...even if the building looks nice...very modern....but just will disappoints u....u campus..TAYLORS BUSINESS SCHOOL...although not as impressive as TCPJ...but taylors business for me is better as it is smaller and least crowded than TCPJ...

tats all about my story.hope u all like my so called..'LOST' story...i m sorry if i din say 'treasure' despite naming my title pirates....the treasure actually was nothing treasure ..haha...this experience tat i had was so of the most embarrassing and scary moment...


Pirates of the LOSTBEAN:at TCPJ's END
starring: EJ

the cast:

yee mun

ai chin...for opening the door for me...(thanks...(in a sarcastic way))

sun hui..for driving us there

szu ee..

jen jin...for being late to meet at the 'other waterfall'

the teacher..who told me the directions to the class....

the girl...who show the sign to

pass thanks....not helpful...haha

Taylors....for making us be force to go all the way to TCPJ to take the subject.....and creating this movie...without it...this movie would be a failure and i will be lack of ideas....



Pirates of the LOSTBEAN:at TCPJ's END

okok..i m sure u all r wondering y i named such title...well...u see...first of all...some of my frenz and i actually took a subject called 'advertising'..and we cannot take it in our own we have to travel all the way to PJ!!!just to take the subject...and so...since its the first time we r doin this.who knows???the new place could be nicer or even fun!

and so...last two weeks ago....on was a warm day...and thankful tat time one of my fren had a take us there....and mostly are girls!!!and i m the only guy in the group!!!i dunno whether i should be happy or not...but some of u will think in this two answers:
  1. YES:coz...i can flirt with the girls that is around me....
  2. NO:coz...being the only male is like a cherry in a cake....which i would be the first to be eaten!

anyways..i felt nothing actually...just a normal guy...(but still shy le)...and so...tat time...when we first saw the building from far...we were like...' to our campus...this is like a hotel le....'but for me....i just stared at the building as though i saw an man jump down from the building....

and so..we went in...underground to find parking...and so...we make our way to the lift and to the first floor...(we assume only...coz there r no ground we just simply chose the nearest....)

once we reach the first mouth was open..when i saw the was open market....but better than tat was quite huge!!even if the size also can beat 100 YAO MENGs ..piece of cake for TCPJ...(no cheery...sorry.haha..) it was huge..and the first impression.was really good....and all of us thought' if only our campus is like big.....more ppl...more food to go eat..more space'..its like paradise le..haha..

and the conflict starts to happen....we were so stuck with the beauty of TCPJ..until we forget tat we were suppose to search for our class.!!!actually our class is at LECTURE THEATER 2...b4 tat we have to search for Leisure Commerce Square....and so..we came to one open area...and soon....we got lost!!

u can imagine....the scenario...there were many ppl...surrounding us..laughing...talking loud....the sound of them munching their food...the sound of the hawker their food fiercely......u can imagine how much fear we had..its as though we went into an island..and all the 'ORANG ASLI' will start to sing..'OKA SHAKAx10'..and there fire in between them..and calm things down..i plan to ask some passer by....and i ask:
EJ:excuse me miss...may i know wer is leisure commerce square?

passer is leisure commerce square.. you(in a awkward way..

diao....omg..can imagine how my face was like...its like...when i go to AMERICA by plane...and i saw the STATUE OF LIBERTY....and then when i land...i asked....did we reach AMERICA?its like duh..i already saw the STATUE already...of coz le..haha...but cant blame me...whenever i m lost..i m always blur one...

how ah?my plan failed...the surrounding was creepy...the sounds of ppl...with their laughs and muches of food and food being cooked!...can we find the class ?will we be able to make it in time for class?turn in to my next blog as there is second part of this LOST story...

to be continue

Monday, August 6, 2007

wat i did yesterday...(part 2)

its last friday again...the same day as the day where i was withdrawing my money...but since its a friday...and its goin to be an enjoyable day as the weekend is approaching..i decided to go out for pool at night with my other frenz...i cant be using tat day just to withdraw money and go back rite???i have to use it..and so i use a bit from my money for pool games instead....

so...b4 playing pool...we had dinner at asia cafe...and after tat we headed for were five of us...and we played double 8 ball....and how i played??? first was good..and then...later quite sucks le....haha...(maybe i still cant get over the ATM incident...)

and so...later on...three of my frenz decided to leave....and so left one of my fren and one on one...a battle of the bachelors in pool..tats how i describe the scenario of my battle with my fren..

and so..the battle was intense...but it did not last tat long...when..suddenly...on the next pool table...there was a person...a HOT girl....demdemdemdem...there where the changes of the game started to happen..

coz of the girl's appearance and fren could not even hit a single ball in the hole!!!(he told me tat tat girl is so HOT...especially her butt...haha)and so tats y he cant focus on the ball...haha...well...after those words of admiration....i just continued to play....and then..suddenly...when its my turn....i actually cannot hit the ball..coz the girl was blocking my way!!!!AND SO...i have to tell her.....'er....sorry miss...i want to hit the don mind move one side?'..then she replied in a cute way...'its ok..sorry'..after listening to heart was beating fast....haha..was nervous...dunno y...her cuteness can just make my heart beat as fast as a MCLAREN!!!oh my...

haha..the next shot...again!!the same thing happened!!SHE WAS blocking the way...and then i told her again...'sorry ah'.then she answered in the same cute way...'no worries..its ok...'and she started to smile!!!(MY HEART...its beating like a rocket!!moving at 200km/h!!!)..omg...and then..because of the smile....and the voice...together...they form like a bomb..more like a nuclear to me!!!which actually disturbed my performance in pool!!!haha...

and fren told me tat he wanna stop playing pool de..coz he 'cannot concentrate'...haha....and so...then...we stopped the match...and then..we played fuusball...and i won!!!by luck....or skill...i dunno...

and then later we went back....and we were talking about the girl.and my fren was like..saying tat she was so hot....and i also talk about wat i said to her when she was on my way when i wanted to hit the ball...

i never meet a stranger girl who would smile back when i asked her something and tat incident is the first!!!...and tat make me feel like i m ready to go for F1!!!as my heart is beating like tat speed....haha...well tats my wonderful story...should i say?i think the girl is not only HOT like wat my fren said...but she is a sweet girl..and friendly too....and..she actually reminds me of one of my fren....but she already have a i dunno wats my faith...if i ever meet her again??wat would happen?? tat....i m wondering...right now..i still cannot forget her sweet smile...hmmmm


Saturday, August 4, 2007

wat i did yesterday...

well...yesterday was a friday..and i know...this is the day..where ppl will go all out for a great time!!! really sounds like clubbing huh??but..i m not into tat....

so..tat day..i woke up very late...and i was feeling very weird in certain way...tat is because usually i woke up early for classes...but on tat friday...i don have a Class!!sounds great eh??? did not last tat long...

this afternoon...i wanted to go buy a new microeconomics book with a study guide....which cost around rm175!!!that amount of money..u know..i could even buy myself a ticket to watch GWEN STEFANI concert!!!haiz....i rmb my secondary school days..the books were like around rm50...or less...but this book!!!!rm175....wat pricing for a so called 'money subject'

and so...since rm175 is a big sum..i decided to go to the nearest ATM machine opposite the book store....and so...once i reach it...i saw a lady using the ATM...and so...i have to wait.......and...wait....and wait......

after 10minutes....i heard the sound of ATM..which indicates tat u need to receive ur money and i show a sign of tat time...BUT...tat did not last long...the lady...still using the ATM machine!!!wat the hell!!!!i tot she fin already...but yet again..i could hear her pressing the numbers loudly and u know something???the way she stand in front of the like as though she is playing with the order words...she looks like she is having a nice time with the machine....something like dating...or even looking at the way she stand...omg..i cant bear looking at her...and tats y i look the opposite direction..the busy subang jaya road...wa...wat nice view....

and after i waited for extra 10 minutes....she finally gets out of her 'dating' machine(coz she spend too much time on it...tats y i call tat name)...and when she fin...she look at me like as though i know her password or something...wat the hell..but i was calm at that time...and then finally i could withdraw my money..and i only did within 1 minute....checking balance and withdrawing...soon..i got my book..and pack my lunch and head back to my apartment..

after tat incident..i was wondering....with a question...'DO people spend 20 minutes on withdrawing money from a ATM machine?'i mean....if it is DEPOSIT MACHINE...its alrite le..i und...have to write number...and check the number many times to ensure its correct...but its ATM only!!!hmmm..don tell me she is stealing meh??i doubt tat...
