Thursday, January 10, 2008

Hope vs despair part 1

thursday, january 10 2008..the 10th day of the new year...

in malaysia...ipoh is where i live..and u know..ipoh...u hear tat word..u know tat it sounds HOT..which implies two type of HOT...
  1. ipoh is known for many pretty wat my frenz told me...and based on my observations
  2. HOT...the weather i mean!!hot!!!its like mini-penang...but the FOOD is still IPOH....ipoh is quite a hot place to be...

ok..put aside the chicks...i wan to talk about the weather...ironically....these has been raining non stop....which start from the late afternoon....and night too

i was wondering if i could ever play tennis....coz of the wet weather these days...

earlier dad and i planned to play at the evening...around 4 i was praying that it wont rain..

my hope was goin to be a reality when i saw the sky was quite clear with no sign of rain at all...when things started to be cherful and happy...suddenly...*sound of rain*

my hope just shattered...and so...the tennis game was cancelled..i was kinda moody and upset...

the feeling that i have gone thru was like something important tat has been taken away from me...

and the following day..(which was yesterday)...i was not in a good mood...and i expected the rain to pour heavily...and it DID...

so i was staring at the rain...pouring down...wondering whether the shape of the rain is a dot or a string when its raining heavily...

and when it reached stop!! i was kinda feel that there is another HOPE...and i feel so excited..and call my dad to go for tennis...weeeeeeeeee

on the way to the club where i play my tennis with my dad....i was pretty excited...but not at 100% when i saw drops of rain falling on the front screen of the i was like...STOP!!don rain!!!

and it was still little drops of rain on the way there...but however..when i reached was fine the weather...but little drops...

there is part 2 coming check it out...if u r interested to know...

-to be continue-

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